Monday, October 21, 2013

Bangus Fish Ball Ala Relleno

By: Neriz Macavinta & Lawrence Balajadia

My partner and I decided to experiment on our bangus project in Seafood Cookery. Our recipe that we had come up with will use two cooking techniques in dry heat method, these are broiling and frying. This is to ensure that our bangus will be cooked evenly.

1 bangus or milk fish                                            1/2 green and red bell pepper
1  tsp. garlic                                                         1/2 cup seedless raisins
1 onion, finely chopped                                       1/2 mushroom
1/2 green peas                                                     1/2 carrots
1/2 tsp. salt                                                           1 beaten eggs
3 tsp. soy sauce                                                    2 tbsp. golden crumbs

1.) Wash fish thoroughly. Slit the head portion and remove gills and entrails.
2.) Rinse well, pound body of fish to loosen flesh inside and bend the bones.
3.) Remove the flesh from the body of the fish and separate the bones from the flesh. Boil the flesh.
4.) Sauté garlic and onion. When brown, add carrots, mushroom, green and red bell pepper.

5.) Cook well before adding the bangus meat.

6.) Lastly, add green peas and raisins. Season mixture with salt and pepper.

7.) Shape this mixture into a ball carefully, so that the mixture looks whole again.
8.) Fish can either be pre fried and broiled/roast after. Serve in a platter and garnish with salsa.

We hope that you learned something new from our experiment. We are happy to share our knowledge and be to able to share the bounty of our country's very own world class products!

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